Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Sadly like many holidays Matt had to work on Father's day.  The night before as I was going to bed Chase snuck up on me and was wondering what we were making Matt for breakfast.  Matt leaves so early and doesn't really eat breakfast so I had nothing planned.  I laid in bed feeling bad that Chase really wanted to do this for Matt so I put a gift card on Chase's floor with a note that read: If you get up before Daddy goes to work buy him breakfast.  Matt said he was startled at 6 a.m. when was ready to leave that Chase was dressed standing in the doorway with his wallet and informed him he HAD to take him to breakfast.  A quick trip to the Maverik for coffee and some breakfast burritos.  I think it was a nice surprise for Matt, and Chase even remembered to get a picture.
After Matt got home from work the kids gave him a few gifts that they had made.  A new picture frame for his office,
and a little booklet of some samples (I used paint samples) of why the love their Dad.
There were some pretty comical reasons in there.  I encouraged the kids to write anything they wanted and it turned out really cute. 
Matt barbecued some burgers and we all took a walk after dinner.  We're so lucky to have such and amazing, hard working, fun, loving Daddy. 

1 comment:

marknkim said...

That is one thoughtful little guy you have:) Hope Matt had a nice Father's Day!