Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pilgrims Hats

Check out our cute pilgrim hats we made out of Marshmallows, YUMM. This picture did not turn out that well but of course there are no more to take pictures of now. I thought this would be a fun thing for the kids to make to get them excited about Thanksgiving. I simply used a fudge striped cookie turned upside down, with a Marshmallow dipped in chocolate and I didn't have any yellow frosting for the buckle so I improvised and used a yellow starburst. They actually turned out pretty cute and easy to make.Sadi could not wait to dig into hers. And Chase wasted no time eating as many as I would let him.

The best part, eating your artwork! So if you need an easy idea for Thanksgiving fun, here you go!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight the movie

I took Kelsey to see the movie Twilight today. I had heard everyone say how great the book was and how their daughters loved it, so when Kelsey brought the book home from school I snatched it up and read it. I have to admit I didn't really love it and could care less if I read the next book. I kept my opinions to myself however since Kelsey was still reading it.....weeks and weeks later she still has not finished it. I guess she really couldn't get into it and for her that is unusual, she was reading a book about every few days so when she never did finish she just said can't you just tell me how it ends, I told her maybe I would have to just take her to the movie to see. I have to say I loved the is almost unheard of to go to a movie of a book you have read and not like the book better, this is definitely one of those. I actually left the movie thinking I would have to read the next book. I loved all the actors they chose to play the different characters. It even had a surprise I did not see coming so if you haven't seen it yet go, and if you have, what did you think?

Friday, November 21, 2008

Coloring Fun...

I have been working on some super cute coloring books for the kids to take on vacation over Thanksgiving. I stole the idea from Laura's blog but added my own touches. I printed out all kinds of Thanksgiving coloring pages for all the books but put in some more challenging puzzles for the older kids. I downloaded the pictures from a free coloring site. I then took different colored fall scrap booking paper to make the covers, then used leaf pages for the binding and added my own touch by cutting out their names in the same leaf paper. I bought some leaf stickers also for them to decorate them with which I let Chase do already because he is dying to have his. I am hoping they keep them entertained for a long time. Here they are....

As you can tell I did not for see how little room I would have to paste their names. Kelsey's name did not fit sideways but I decided I liked the way it made them all look a little different.Chase is so proud of his sticker artwork, I may have to get some more stickers for the inside.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

If the shoe fits..

Our kids love to wear Daddy's shoes, well I guess any ones shoes if they are left out (which would only be Daddy). I love to hear Matt say where are my shoes? I can only reply well where did you leave them? You would think he would learn his lesson! Here is Chase sporting Daddy's sneakers.You know they fight over everything so of course Sadi would need to wear them too at the same time. No matter how big the shoe sometimes you still have to cram your foot in....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh Kirby!

So, I was home last night with the kids (Matt was at work) and there was a knock at the door. I answered to a Kirby man. I don't know if I have been in seclusion to long but was unfamiliar with what Kirby is exactly. I know on countless occasions they have left a flyer on my door, however all it says is about carpet cleaning (I have always assumed they did carpet cleaning). Anyway this kid wants to know if he can carpet clean one room for at this point I usually say no thank you, I am not a sucker! But he continues to say that they are opening a new store want to get more customers, and are training new employees and don't want to sell me anything would just like it if I tell people about their business if I think they do a good job. The whole time I am listening I am thinking of our rug in the family room and how I have been procrastinating getting it cleaned. So what can it hurt right, they don't want to sell me anything and I will get my rug cleaned for free. Come on in.....BIG MISTAKE! He is now putting together a vacuum system..I am not seeing a steam cleaner, etc. just lost of parts and big ones for that matter. And then the talking begins, and the let me show you this and that, and blah, blah, blah. They could not believe I have never heard about Kirby or know anyone who owns one. Anyway an hour into the demo...still hasn't started cleaning the rug, he shows me the price list for this Kirby..............$2500.00.............YES I said $2500.00! And that is just for the vacuum, not the parts!!! That is EXTRA!! At this point I was really not interested in even listening anymore. I told them politely that I really was not interested in buying one and reminded them that they had assured me they were not going to try to sell me anything. They pushed and pushed claiming this was a lifetime warranty, blah, blah, blah. Do they know how many vacuums I could buy in my lifetime for that kind of money? Anyway 2 hours later they left...with not surprisingly not a dime of my money, and I got my rug cleaned (not a great job I might add). I ended up pulling out my old vacuum after they left to clean the mess they left. So the moral....if you have not hear of Kirby, now you have been for-warned. Do not be fooled as I was, DO NOT let them in!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Little Monkey

This is Sadi's latest stunt....climbing on the kitchen table!!! It makes me crazy, she does it all day (I am not at all exaggerating). She moves the chair out and up she goes.Last night she was reaching for what? The chandelier!!! I truly think she is the dare devil of all the kids and I am sure she will break something long before Chase.You know when to go running to see what she is doing because she is proud as well and will yell "Tah Dah" at the top of her lungs. She keeps me busy keeping her out of things all day!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Count the vote

Last night we had an election party. Matt has been looking forward to election day for weeks. He watches the news daily like it is a religion so for him this was like his own personal Olympics. He wanted to stay up late and watch the results of the polls closing across the nation. We ordered sub sandwiches, had chips, dip, and made meatballs, gave the kids soda which was like a party for them. Kelsey said this is like the Superbowl and were rooting for a team to win. We started around 4 since the east coast polls were closing. We were lucky enough to go to early voting this year which was nice with the little kids so we didn't have to wait in line. Well, it turned out to be not so exciting...polls closing and the results came in. Here is Matt, 5:45 p.m....
He swears he did not fall asleep (because he woke up later). So he does not know I took this picture. I was trying to get kids to come down from their soda high. He would be so mad that I put this picture up, oh well he should know since he was awake the whole time right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

We had a great Halloween, it was a long wait to go trick or treating and put costumes on. Chase was Yoda this year. He did tell me it was not Yoda when I was putting it on him though. He said that's not Yoda Mom, Yoda is green! He did make sure to correct the few little ladies at their door when they made the mistake of calling him a cute little Shrek however. Kelsey was a cowgirl, Check it out Tori it makes a great costume(the hat). She looks so grown up in this picture, so I made her pose with the little kids horse.
Sadi was a skunk, a perfect little stinker. She was so hard to get any pictures of, all she wanted to do was run!It was the perfect costume for the night because it was nice and warm, but she could still move in it. It made me think of last year when she was so tiny and I could just pose her and she didn't move. Wow, time flies.I love this picture because you can really see how cute the costume was, it even said "lil stinker" on the butt. Soo cute.Here they are ready to go collect their candy.Sadi was ready, and trying to run. She had no idea where we were going or what we were doing but she just wanted to be free.Hit the first house, and she was done. Got herself a shaky box and she was happy. Then all we heard was shake, shake, shake, shake, shake!! I few houses later I realized I didn't hear any more shaking, looked down and she had chewed a hole in the box and was really enjoying herself. Chase had a blast, he kept saying let's go to another house. Finally he said okay let's go home and eat my candy all gone!!
Here he is checking out the loot, I think he couldn't believe his eyes. It was funny to see what he would pick out to eat, his biggest dilemma, which sucker to pick!! Kids are funny, who else do you know would pick a sucker first?