Thursday, March 22, 2012

That Wascawy wabbit!

A little over a month ago I noticed some unfamiliar "droppings" out in our backyard.  We have a ton of Quail that frequent our backyard so I thought nothing of it (thinking this was what had been visiting).  But then it multiplied fast!  So I have been really keeping an eye out to see who the culprit was.  And a little over a week ago just after dusk I tawt I saw a bunny wabbit......
I did, I did see a bunny wabbit!  (Elmer Fudd people).  The kids love him..."aww he's so cute".  Matt says "he really won't do any harm and isn't going to eat anything, we should just leave him alone".  Am I  the only one seeing this?  Uhh, he is eating something, it's our grass!!!  And I can only assume when he gets bored with that and my beautiful flowers start popping up he's going to eat those.  I read if you have a dog that should be a natural deterrent so I made sure Broozer walked the yard, marked his territory, and rolled in the grass.  The bunny came back.  I started a stake out at night (he comes at the same time every night) I threw rocks at him and chased him away multiple times.  The bunny came back...and brought a friend!!  At this point I can only assume he is mocking me.  Every spray I have come across thus far is not safe for dogs or kids so that is out.  Ideas?  Because unless that's the Easter bunny and he is dropping chocolate on my grass, sorry kids he has to go.  If I don't find a solution and he starts eating my lilies I may have to hunt me a wabbit like Elmer Fudd and have some Wabbit stew.  It tastes like chicken right?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unlucky again!

We once again took a shot at catching that leprechaun on St. Patty's Day and once again we didn't trick him, but he tricked us.  Chase and Sadi found the perfect trap (or at least we thought so).  What leprechaun wouldn't want to stop in for a quick drink from the tap?  Although there was a clear sign posted which read Don't go in!!  Chase was very proud of his sign and confident this was gonna be the year.
In the morning the kids found a lucky sock full of green, gold, and rainbow treats outside their bedroom doors.
There was no leprechaun in our trap, he had lassoed his way out!  Inside the trap was a clue to send the kids running around the house looking for his gold.
At the end of their rainbow run they found a treat filled with gold nuggets.  For Sadi this "chocolate" gold may have been better than real gold.
We also had a very lucky meal.  We had St. Patty's Pancakes with Pot of gold eggs, rainbow on a stick, with chocolate O' Henry (hot cocoa), topped with clouds (marshmallows), and leprechaun dust (green sprinkles). 

It was a fun pinch proof day, hope none of ya got pinched!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monkey see, monkey scream?

A few nights ago Chase came into our room in the middle of the night crying (he had a bad dream that was all too real).  I eventually was able to get him back to bed but in the morning he was still terrified.  He had a dream that there was a monkey in his room, a real live monkey!!  He thought it was just a dream until he opened his eyes and there was a real monkey starring him right in the face.  We tried to reason with him that there was no monkey in our house..thus we were showing him and then I realized he slept with this cutie that Daddy brought home for him....
To be quite honest I think this guy is ugly anyway.  I was more than happy to dispose of it (sadly it only made it as far as the garage, I think Chase was feeling sad at saying goodbye to this little guy).  He was sure it was alive though so he had to go.  You know who really thought this was hilarious?  Sadi.  She thinks that it is hilarious, and is all to happy to jump out at him with her monkey and give him a scare.  What a sweet little sister right?
I am slowly building my case (I hope) that Daddy needs to STOP bringing home stuffed animals.  One or two is okay but with Daddy working at a casino and bringing them home EVERY SINGLE WEEK it can be too much.  Don't believe me?  Take a peek at just a few...
and keep in mind this is only for one kid, multiply these "cuties" by two.  We have one for EVERY holiday, don't we all want a cuddly Mardi Gras bear?  Uhh No...mercy please! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oh the thinks you can think!

Many of you know that Friday was Dr. Seuss's birthday.  Of course we celebrate every one's birthday here at our house, so Dr. Seuss is just one of the family now.   I found these cute Dr. Seuss bags months ago and snagged them for each of the kids.  I hung these on their doors the night before.
I filled each bag with some fun Dr. Seuss treats.  They each got a new book, some Seuss soxs, a movie ticket to see the Lorax (cute movie with a great message), they got some Bar-Ba-Loot snacks (you know the bar-ba-loot bears love to eat marshmallows so I put some chocolate teddy grahams in a bag with some marshmallows), and a bag of colored Swedish fish with a cute tag attached which read: one fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.  The kids were thrilled to find their bags in the morning.
Chase was sure we were going to have green eggs and ham but looking back on years past that just hasn't gone over well(mostly with Sadi) so I opted not to do that this year.  I did have some cute little reminders around the house, including this craft I made displayed on the table that reads: Speak for the trees (if you have seen or read the Lorax you will get this).
Later that night we snuggled up in our Seuss sox,
and read us some good books.
Thank you Dr. Seuss for making reading so much fun, Happy Birthday!!  If you haven't gone to see the Lorax, I highly recommend it. 

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not.  -The Lorax

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Busy Schedule

Last night as I was tucking Sadi into bed she let out and exhausted sigh and said "Hmmm, I have a busy day tomorrow".  Laughing my reply "Oh really what you got going on?".  Said with extreme sarcasm:"I have to watch Dumbo".  Wouldn't you all love to have this kid's busy schedule?
She must have needed to mentally prepare for this busy day because she slept until 9:30 this morning...that's right a full 13.5 hours was necessary before she began her exhasting day!   

And the winner is...

Last week was a good week for Kelsey.  She decided to run for Historian for Student Council.  This meant she would have to come up with a campaign and give a speech in front of the entire school.  She was pretty proud of the job she did, and with good reason because you are looking at the new 2012-2013 Dayton High Historian.
Later in the week she went out on a limb and tried out for the softball team (she has never played before, that is why I say going out on a limb).  She made the JV team.!  She is keeping Mom busy driving back and forth, but we are proud of her and all her accomplishments.  I'm starting to think her driving won't be such a horrible thing after all...well maybe.