Monday, March 12, 2012

Monkey see, monkey scream?

A few nights ago Chase came into our room in the middle of the night crying (he had a bad dream that was all too real).  I eventually was able to get him back to bed but in the morning he was still terrified.  He had a dream that there was a monkey in his room, a real live monkey!!  He thought it was just a dream until he opened his eyes and there was a real monkey starring him right in the face.  We tried to reason with him that there was no monkey in our house..thus we were showing him and then I realized he slept with this cutie that Daddy brought home for him....
To be quite honest I think this guy is ugly anyway.  I was more than happy to dispose of it (sadly it only made it as far as the garage, I think Chase was feeling sad at saying goodbye to this little guy).  He was sure it was alive though so he had to go.  You know who really thought this was hilarious?  Sadi.  She thinks that it is hilarious, and is all to happy to jump out at him with her monkey and give him a scare.  What a sweet little sister right?
I am slowly building my case (I hope) that Daddy needs to STOP bringing home stuffed animals.  One or two is okay but with Daddy working at a casino and bringing them home EVERY SINGLE WEEK it can be too much.  Don't believe me?  Take a peek at just a few...
and keep in mind this is only for one kid, multiply these "cuties" by two.  We have one for EVERY holiday, don't we all want a cuddly Mardi Gras bear?  Uhh No...mercy please! 

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Consider yourself lucky if this is all you have:} we are DROWNING in them at our house....{those monkeys would scare me too}