Thursday, March 1, 2012

And the winner is...

Last week was a good week for Kelsey.  She decided to run for Historian for Student Council.  This meant she would have to come up with a campaign and give a speech in front of the entire school.  She was pretty proud of the job she did, and with good reason because you are looking at the new 2012-2013 Dayton High Historian.
Later in the week she went out on a limb and tried out for the softball team (she has never played before, that is why I say going out on a limb).  She made the JV team.!  She is keeping Mom busy driving back and forth, but we are proud of her and all her accomplishments.  I'm starting to think her driving won't be such a horrible thing after all...well maybe.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Way to go Kelsey!! I am sure you will do a fantastic job.