Sunday, September 28, 2008

To Infinity and Beyond......

Well, it happened, Chase turned three!!! I cannot believe it. We decided to celebrate his birthday on Saturday rather than today because of Matt's crazy work schedule this weekend. He was so funny yesterday, we have been doing the countdown till his party and so yesterday we were telling him Happy Birthday and he would say NO, not until my party. He was convinced he was not 3 until there was a party. So his whole birthday theme was revolved around the movie Toy Story which he LOVES!! He has been telling everyone he is having a Buzz Lightyear birthday party. So for those of you who have seen it you will get alot of the things I created for the party. If you have not seen it, watch it, it is an awesome movie!! So we started the party playing games, I made my own games the first was pinning the parts on Mr. Potato Head (you know like Mr. Potato and his bucket of parts). This is what he was suppose to look like. He was holding up "3" fingers.
He tried to cheat, but couldn't ha ha...Not bad! He got almost all of his parts in the right spot. Chase had the eyes and the mouth, Kyle the nose, and Kelsey an arm. Sadi even got to play later, She loved it, it was called break Mr. Potato Head, her favorite game!

The next game was Buzz Bingo, I had made bingo cards for all of the kids and then had stickers and stars they could decorate their board any way they wanted to, this is Chase's. Chase ended up being the big winner, I think he won 3 games. It was cute, I made them yell "To infinity and beyond" when they won. I had bought a whole bunch of Toy Story prizes online. There were Buzz and Woody parachute'rs and army men that shoot suckers.
The third and final game was really fun, I told them that the night before Aliens had came and left moon rocks out in our backyard and I had sent out the troops (Little green army men) to guard them until they were found. So they each got a bag decorated with their name to collect them. It was a fun game for all the kids. I had wrapped Starburst and little boxes of Jr. Mints in tinfoil to resemble the moon rocks and put the little army men on top like they were guarding them.
After games it was time to open presents!! He wasted no time to rip them open.We bought him Toy Story 2 which he has never seen. It was funny he opened it and said hey it's my guy movie (that's what he calls his Woody is his guy).I had purposefully not put his Buzz (which he has been hoping and hoping to get) out with the other gifts to open and he looked around when he was done, and Matt said is that all, I thought there were more? And I said nope that's it, I waited a few seconds and then said oh wait I think Mommy left one in the closet (just like in the movie when Andy's mom pulls the surprise gift out of the closet). I think he knew what it was going to be when I said that. He was soo excited, he finally got his Buzz. While the kids were busy playing with the new toys, I sent Daddy to Pizza Planet (again from the movie) to pick up pizza. I had made my own pizza planet covers that I had Matt stick to the boxes so Chase thought he really went to Pizza Planet.And of course what do you need to go with your pizza? Alien Juice!! I made some aliens and relabeled a Mt. Dew bottle. Chase thought it was great!! After dinner and more playing it was cake time! Chase picked out what kind of cake he wanted and I had found some cute figures to put on top.

I asked him what he was going to wish for, he said a white cake with white frosting!! I said wow, I bet that wish comes true!

After cake, it was time to go to the "galaxy" to watch a movie...Toy Story 2!! I had put glow in the dark stars up on the wall which were glowing by then. So, Chase got his new Buzz PJ's on and sat with his Buzz for the whole show. He loved the movie, as soon as it started he said I have a Buzz Lightyear too! He did not want to stop playing, I told him he could sleep with His Buzz, and he was then excited to go to bed, I don't know what time it was when I finally stopped hearing Buzz's laser go off and "To infinity and beyond". It made my heart melt as he was walking down the hall squeezing his Buzz saying "I love my Buzz Mommy, thank you for giving him to me". A priceless moment I hope I never forget!

Happy Birthday My darling Boy!

Friday, September 26, 2008

No more Mars?

I have been searching and searching for a Mars bar (you know candy bar) to go with the whole galaxy theme for Chase's birthday, well apparently they do not sell them anymore. The confusion came when I started asking people if they had seen one and also asking grocery store clerks who assured me oh yeah they are in the candy isle or yes, they are by the register...well they are not!! They do not sell them anymore (at least not in the U.S.). They stopped selling them in 2002!!! Apparently they are in-cognito, they are still there but they are in a wrapper labeled SNICKERS ALMOND BAR. So if any of you out there are ever craving a Mars bar that is a little tid bit to help you out! I myself just needed the label really to match the party so I will be sticking with Milky Way.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Chase started swimming lessons today, we have been talking about it for days now and he has been sooo excited. So today finally arrived and he could not wait to get to the pool. I'm not sure what he was expecting but I think he was surprised as was I to his reaction. It progressed something like this......So excited to be here and ready to jump in..... Okay were going where to the deep end? I guess that's okay.......
What, were letting go and we have to play airplane...ummm okay.....

Whew done with that now let's hold on for dear life as I still can't touch, can we go to the shallow end?

He cried until he got out on the side and then the teacher brought him back to the shallow end, and he sat on the step, he continued to do everything she asked but cried while he did it.

After getting out he assured me he was done and never needed to come back, however on the way home he told me he was going back tomorrow. To bad there are no lessons tomorrow, oh well I guess Wednesday we will see how it goes!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

One man's trash is another man's treasure...

So for all of you out there who think yard sale's are a waste of your time, I beg to differ. At least Matt thinks (or rather thought) they are a waste of time. I started my yearly clean out the kids rooms (a time everyone in my house avoids!) and it just progressed to a total house clean out, including the garage. My theory is if you haven't used it in the past year, you probably won't use it in the next year. I am hoping that by starting young with Chase and Sadi they will not think that everything they own is "special" and needs to be kept forever. I know Matt lives and dies by this theory, but if we never get rid of anything we will own boxes and boxes of stuff FOREVER!! I collected everything I thought would be worth a shot at selling and hung a few flyer's and signs about the neighborhood. First fifteen minutes made $15, by the end of only a few hours we are now a few Hundred Dollars richer!! It amazes me the things that people will buy, the things you really think will sell fast are still here and the things you think you will end up donating go fast. So for all of you out there who have STUFF you may be sitting on a fortune, who knows!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Palin in Carson

Sarah Palin came to Carson City last night for a rally in the park. I thought it would be a good experience for the kids and fun for us as well. Matt ended up having to work (seems it always works out that way) but I braved it and took all four kids by myself. They held it at Mills park in the pavilion (which mind you without all the media etc. only holds 3500). So we realized soon after we arrived there was no way we were getting in...the line was beyond long. I decided to just sit on the grass in an area we could at least see one of the big screens. It ended up not being to bad... Chase and Sadi loved all the clapping and screaming which they were more than happy to join in on.
We had Kyle for the weekend and he was excited because he would be getting extra credit in history for attending.

There were alot of protesters and Obama lovers there also. I was a little disturbed by some of the protesters posters. They had signs reading things like fresh wolf legs available in Alaska (with pictures of slaughtered wolves all bloody) and Palin kills polar bears (with very graphic pictures). I have never been to a rally so I was not really prepared for that part. Other than trying to divert Chase's attention away when those went past, I really enjoyed myself and I think the kids got some education as well. I was a little concerned when they kept saying is that her? When some of our state representatives were speaking. So if nothing else they at least learned who Sarah Palin is and a little about her.
It was so cute when we got home Chase kept chanting "Drill baby Drill, Drill baby Drill"!! I love it!!

Spit happens...

Sadi has a new talent..well it is not so new to me as I see it all the time, but Matt noticed it for the first time the other day and he is totally encouraging her to do it all the time now. She makes this moah sound and blows spit bubbles. She can really blow some big ones! It's hard to get a picture where you can see it but here is our little talented one....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To eat or not to eat?

Tonight I made stir fry for dinner in an attempt to get the kids to eat more vegetables, you know peppers and such in a yummy sauce. Chase took one look at it and then of course a few sniffs and decided it was not for him. Matt told him to try his broccoli and to eat his pea (sugar snaps)...Chase looked at him real funny and said "Are you serious, you want me to eat my pee?" It was sooo funny. I forget sometimes he is only two!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The proof is in the score!

In an attempt to do something different and not the same thing as we do every weekend I took the kids to Matt's work bowling. It was a lot of fun, and the kids had a blast. I was hoping to get some really cute pictures for the blog, no such luck. It was so dark in there that even with the flash the pictures turned out weird. And Chase went so wild it was hard to get any pictures of him that were not blurry. This is the best we did! Kelsey had a rough game starting out and finishing. Chase just went nuts!! He actually did pretty well. Sadi slept almost the whole time we were there so I have no pictures of her.
Kelsey was embarrassed, getting beat by a two year old...I had to put this on! Even with bumpers up she got served.......

Thursday, September 4, 2008

In the News

Matt did it, he made the news...his work (or buddy at work not sure which one) asked him to do football picks that will be posted every week for the next 17 weeks and will be published in the paper here in Nevada. He was way too excited I think. He called me 3 times from work today about it. He had to tell me he saw it, then to tell me downloaded it so I could put it on the blog, then to see if I had looked at it yet. I think it is the Denning gene.....the whole bragging thing. Anyway it is posted along with his picture, again every week I will get to see it. This is what too much time on your hands at work looks like...just kidding Matt, we love it, and I'm sure we'll love it every week for the next 17 WEEKS!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cindy Lou WHO?

Every time I go out with Sadi, we get stopped and always get the comment..."oh she looks just like pebbles with her hair up in a ponytail"...well in an attempt to change up the famous saying I changed the it is...Cindy Lou who.. How much can you really do with such long hair on top and none underneath?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all

Well, it has happened least for this week(anyone who has lived in Nevada knows how crazy our weather is and how fast it changes back and forth), Fall and all of it's cold weather that is. I had planned to take the kids to the park and have a picnic on Labor Day. Well we woke up to freezing cold weather and Matt was feeling under the weather. So in an attempt to find something fun to do at home, we headed to the dollar store. I found these cute little wreaths for the kids to decorate, along with some fall ribbon, leaves, and miniature pumpkins and gourds. I let the kids decorate them however they wanted which turned out to be really cute. Here is Chase with his...he was so proud. Kelsey's will be hung in her locker at school...what a good idea right? I told her she could change the look in her locker for every season.
So to all of you everywhere, Happy Fall!!

Baby Love

So, we bought Sadi this cute little baby princess doll in Disneyland as her souvenir and she has now really come to just love it. She carries it around and pats her (belle) on the back, and if you ooh and awe at her she loves it and gives it kisses. It is so cute.
It is so cute to watch her kiss her know the whole open mouth tongue out. I love it!!

What a good little mommy she will make one day.