Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all

Well, it has happened here...at least for this week(anyone who has lived in Nevada knows how crazy our weather is and how fast it changes back and forth), Fall and all of it's cold weather that is. I had planned to take the kids to the park and have a picnic on Labor Day. Well we woke up to freezing cold weather and Matt was feeling under the weather. So in an attempt to find something fun to do at home, we headed to the dollar store. I found these cute little wreaths for the kids to decorate, along with some fall ribbon, leaves, and miniature pumpkins and gourds. I let the kids decorate them however they wanted which turned out to be really cute. Here is Chase with his...he was so proud. Kelsey's will be hung in her locker at school...what a good idea right? I told her she could change the look in her locker for every season.
So to all of you everywhere, Happy Fall!!


David said...

cool wreaths...what a fun idea!

Mom said...

I love your creative ideas!