Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Got Milk?

This is what happens when you choose not to go with the sippy cup AND turn your back for 5 minutes!! I'm not sure what her hands were doing, praying or trying to make her look cute. I was not amused!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Out of luck!

Chase has been really interested in Leprechauns this year, so after reading countless books about them we decided to build a trap to catch one! We know they like green and gold, they love pennies, and of course they love to break the rules! They are very tricky and only come out at night. We also know they are very small. So all the kids helped make this elaborate trap to catch this leprechaun so we could have his gold. They called it gold Mt. It had a rock climbing wall with a sign that clearly stated "Danger, keep off rocks!". We knew that leprechaun would not be able to resist since they love to break the rules. At the top we had some fake gold (Rolos) and a trap door he would fall through and be trapped!! It was a great plan! But, in the morning we found....
That messy leprechaun had left a trail of gold and glitter all over our house. We knew exactly where he went because he left quite the trail! No leprechaun in the box, and he had left each of them a pot of...
Poop! Yes he left a note in each of these pots that read:
He he he you didn't catch me!
Jokes on you, all you caught was
Leprechaun poo!!!
That tricky guy! He did leave some green treats for the kids, and he also left some Lucky Charms!
The kids had so much fun collecting coins and trying to figure out how he got out of that box! It was a fun day! Hope none of you got pinched!
Happy St. Patricks day! Chase is already planning his trap for next year!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love notes

Don't kids just grow up to fast these days? Yesterday when I opened Chase's preschool folder I found a whole stack full of pictures/names his girl friends from school had made him. When I asked him about them he was annoyed that they wanted him to make them pictures as well. I thought it was too funny! It starts all to young doesn't it?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Do YOU like green eggs and ham?

Everyone who has a school aged child knows that yesterday was Dr. Seuss' birthday. Chase learned about this at school, and read some of his books...I had something planned for later that night! Oh yes, green eggs and ham! I set the table with a title appropriate for such a meal and put out some books as well. We read the book before dinner (the kids had no idea what was going to be for dinner).I also had put all kinds of questions from the book all over the table and even taped some under the plates to find when the meal was over.
Chase was unsure when he came for dinner, taking a good whiff. Chase do you like green eggs and ham?
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you may I say!
If you let me be,
I will try them.
You will see.
I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them Sam-I-am!
Kelsey likes green eggs and ham!
Sadi do you like green eggs and ham?That Sam-I-am!
That Sam-I-am!
I do not like that Sam-I-am!
You do not like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them Sam-I-am!
I do not like green eggs and ham!
A fun night! Hey I give them all props for at least trying them, to be honest they really did not look that appealing but they tasted good! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We're "them"

March 2, it has now been 66 days since Christmas did you know? It is now official we have become "those" people. I am talking about the people in the neighborhood who have still NOT taken the Christmas lights down (you know you who they are right?). I really am not a nagger (shocking I know). I commented once after Christmas that "hey don't you think it's time the lights come down?". I was assured it would get done. I have since watched each and every neighbor, including the elderly couple across the street take their Christmas lights down while ours are still up! I guess I should be at least grateful the light up deer FINALLY made it at least into the garage in February! I'm thinking of lighting them up one night before Matt gets home from work, think he would get the message then? Until then, I will see this everytime we come home....