Thursday, March 18, 2010

Out of luck!

Chase has been really interested in Leprechauns this year, so after reading countless books about them we decided to build a trap to catch one! We know they like green and gold, they love pennies, and of course they love to break the rules! They are very tricky and only come out at night. We also know they are very small. So all the kids helped make this elaborate trap to catch this leprechaun so we could have his gold. They called it gold Mt. It had a rock climbing wall with a sign that clearly stated "Danger, keep off rocks!". We knew that leprechaun would not be able to resist since they love to break the rules. At the top we had some fake gold (Rolos) and a trap door he would fall through and be trapped!! It was a great plan! But, in the morning we found....
That messy leprechaun had left a trail of gold and glitter all over our house. We knew exactly where he went because he left quite the trail! No leprechaun in the box, and he had left each of them a pot of...
Poop! Yes he left a note in each of these pots that read:
He he he you didn't catch me!
Jokes on you, all you caught was
Leprechaun poo!!!
That tricky guy! He did leave some green treats for the kids, and he also left some Lucky Charms!
The kids had so much fun collecting coins and trying to figure out how he got out of that box! It was a fun day! Hope none of you got pinched!
Happy St. Patricks day! Chase is already planning his trap for next year!


John Festin said...

You are an AMAZING mother! Always so much fun at the Denning house!

The Demille's said...

Oh my gosh! You are seriously the most creative Mom I know! You seriously need to write a book! I would buy it!