Sunday, November 17, 2013

Snaggle tooth

 Friday night while eating dinner I noticed something a little off about Sadi, when I looked a little closer I noticed her top tooth that has been a wiggling for a good 2 months was sticking out and sideways.  It was time.  She was adamant that she was going to do it herself (even with Daddy bribing her with cash to let him do it).  She worked on that baby for a good 2 hours and let Kelsey help a bit at the end, and out it came.
I'm hoping that the other one will follow behind quickly because having only one big front tooth makes you a little old lady with a snaggle tooth.  Still cute, but hard not to feel like that one tooth is staring at you.


This week Kelsey got a very exciting piece of mail....
Her acceptance letter and welcome packet to the University of Nevada.  Although we knew she would be accepted, it was very exciting.  She also got to go on a field trip this week to the college and tour the campus/housing there.  Along with that we had also gotten her some tickets to the UNR football game over the weekend to go with some friends.  So it was a fun week for her to experience a little of what college life has to offer.  Now if she can just find the money to back it up......let the scholarship hunting continue!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Friday night lights go out...

Friday night was Senior night at the final Dust Devil football game of the season.  All the Seniors who participated in a fall sport were recognized during the game.  Myself, Chase, and Sadi were there to escort Kelsey on the field as she was recognized for being the Varsity Football Manager, a job she has held for the past 3 years.
She was met at the 50 yard line by Head coach Mr. Turner who gave her a huge hug and told her he didn't know what he would have done without her these past 3 years.  For the past 3 football seasons this is who she has spent her Friday nights with...
Cold nights, long bus rides, winning , spite of it all I think she is a little sad that this chapter of her life has come to an end.

Red Ribbon Week

Besides last week being Halloween, it was also our school's red ribbon week.  It was a bit exhausting dressing up every single day, but the kids enjoyed it.  I didn't get pictures of every day, but here is a couple of our favorite days.  Wearing pink for cancer awareness....
Chase was insistent he NEEDED to wear pink.  Ever try to shop for a boy who needs pink?  Several stores later we finally found ONE shirt.  Friday was crazy hair day: 
Although I had great ideas for this, when it came so quickly the morning after Halloween and with the sugar slump from the night before we were really pressed on time.  We had to settle for green, crazy hair.  Maybe next year the genius who doesn't have kids who planned it will pick a week other than Halloween!

Friday, November 1, 2013


We hope you all had a Happy Halloween.  Our day was filled!  This year we had a Werewolf and a Cheerleader.  Sadi was dead set on being a monster high ghoul but with 3 costumes not fitting (to big, to short, etc.) and had to be returned we finally found one....and then she changed her mind!  She was ABSOLUTELY not going to be ANYTHING but a cheerleader, and for days she chanted her cheers. 
In the end it was worth it, she was very happy!  She was cheering all day...literally all day.
 Chase was happy too....until he got called a bear, several times. 
We started the morning with these deliciously sugar cereals.  Am I the only one who gets excited about these?  I was disappointed that I couldn't find Boo Berry this Year.  I guess they are all mine since the kids didn't like them.
Then it was off to school with class treats in tow, and these cute little witch shoes I made for the teachers and Kelsey's girlfriends.  Only wish I had gotten a better picture of them.
I had to pack a "spooktacular" lunch for the kiddos since they have still been talking about the Halloween lunch that was so awesome from last year.  Frankenstein juice, Bagel with "scream" cheese, pumpkin peaches, dirty witches fingernails (fritos), and just something I dug up (chocolate bones).
I spent most of the day at the school watching the parade of costumes, and then class hopping to help at the parties.  Chase's class was just snacking and watching a movie but Sadi's teacher had a few fun experiments that were hands on.  They got to find out if they were human or a wizard by mixing a magic potion...verdict is we have a wizard!
 Sadi and her bestie were both Cheerleaders this year...coincidence?  Hmmmm.....
After school it was a rush to get every one's homework done so we could have our Halloween dinner.  Why do we have to have homework on this night?
I kept it simple with the menu:  Pumpkin quesadillas, chips, and Dracula's famous salsa, grapes, and ghost floats.  I think the kids were still full from all their party snacking but made a good attempt.
Then it was time to hit the streets!  It was a nice night, only needed a light jacket.
 The kids really had to work this year for their candy.  Only about 1 in 10 houses were lit up.  I enjoyed the walk.  After about an hour it was time to go home and dump... 
A good haul for an hours worth of time.  Of course there is always a winning candy that makes it all worth it.  For Sadi this was a fruit roll up?  Yup.  She was so ridiculously excited about this one you would think I never buy them.
A few houses for me hit a bit high on the creep-o-meter and I don't mean decorations.  One little old lady had to take a picture of them before they got candy...ok?  But the winner for me....someone gave out old children's books...old, used, books.  I thought it to be to weird and made the kids leave them on the porch.  Sadi was so mad.  Sorry I don't do sticky pages...eww.  Anyone else get something strange?