Saturday, September 20, 2008

One man's trash is another man's treasure...

So for all of you out there who think yard sale's are a waste of your time, I beg to differ. At least Matt thinks (or rather thought) they are a waste of time. I started my yearly clean out the kids rooms (a time everyone in my house avoids!) and it just progressed to a total house clean out, including the garage. My theory is if you haven't used it in the past year, you probably won't use it in the next year. I am hoping that by starting young with Chase and Sadi they will not think that everything they own is "special" and needs to be kept forever. I know Matt lives and dies by this theory, but if we never get rid of anything we will own boxes and boxes of stuff FOREVER!! I collected everything I thought would be worth a shot at selling and hung a few flyer's and signs about the neighborhood. First fifteen minutes made $15, by the end of only a few hours we are now a few Hundred Dollars richer!! It amazes me the things that people will buy, the things you really think will sell fast are still here and the things you think you will end up donating go fast. So for all of you out there who have STUFF you may be sitting on a fortune, who knows!

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