Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oh Kirby!

So, I was home last night with the kids (Matt was at work) and there was a knock at the door. I answered to a Kirby man. I don't know if I have been in seclusion to long but was unfamiliar with what Kirby is exactly. I know on countless occasions they have left a flyer on my door, however all it says is about carpet cleaning (I have always assumed they did carpet cleaning). Anyway this kid wants to know if he can carpet clean one room for at this point I usually say no thank you, I am not a sucker! But he continues to say that they are opening a new store want to get more customers, and are training new employees and don't want to sell me anything would just like it if I tell people about their business if I think they do a good job. The whole time I am listening I am thinking of our rug in the family room and how I have been procrastinating getting it cleaned. So what can it hurt right, they don't want to sell me anything and I will get my rug cleaned for free. Come on in.....BIG MISTAKE! He is now putting together a vacuum system..I am not seeing a steam cleaner, etc. just lost of parts and big ones for that matter. And then the talking begins, and the let me show you this and that, and blah, blah, blah. They could not believe I have never heard about Kirby or know anyone who owns one. Anyway an hour into the demo...still hasn't started cleaning the rug, he shows me the price list for this Kirby..............$2500.00.............YES I said $2500.00! And that is just for the vacuum, not the parts!!! That is EXTRA!! At this point I was really not interested in even listening anymore. I told them politely that I really was not interested in buying one and reminded them that they had assured me they were not going to try to sell me anything. They pushed and pushed claiming this was a lifetime warranty, blah, blah, blah. Do they know how many vacuums I could buy in my lifetime for that kind of money? Anyway 2 hours later they left...with not surprisingly not a dime of my money, and I got my rug cleaned (not a great job I might add). I ended up pulling out my old vacuum after they left to clean the mess they left. So the moral....if you have not hear of Kirby, now you have been for-warned. Do not be fooled as I was, DO NOT let them in!!!!

1 comment:

John Festin said...

This is single handedly the FUNNIEST story I have heard in a very long time! Thanks for the laugh...I needed it today. Hope you are well!