Saturday, June 13, 2015

One more year

This week I celebrated my birthday.  The original plan was to spend the day at the lake, but with our torrential downpours we have been having it was to wet and gloomy.  I did get to sleep in and when I woke up I caught Chase making be breakfast.  It was suppose to be breakfast in bed, but I guess me getting up at 8 foiled his plans.   I enjoyed my breakfast and opened my birthday cards.  There was an especially surprising one from Matt in the mix.
Apparently Matt had asked Sadi to make a card for him.  It was pretty cute.  I especially like the part where she scribbled out mommy and wrote wife.
I tortured the kids by going shopping for myself.  Chase was my sidekick and at one point was keeping my purchases safe by using them as a pillow.  Later that night when Matt got home they showered me with gifts.  Kelsey and the kids had made me this super cute canvas. 
Matt even got me a few little surprises.  I guess you know you play on words a lot with gifts when even your hubby starts using them....
Witty or mocking  me?  I'm not sure.  Matt took me out to dinner to a place that people are always talking about but we have never been to, Red's BBQ.  We decided to go big and order the sampler platter for was more like for 10.
After all that food I wasn't really hungry for cake or anything really but I knew that would not fly with some little people, So we went home and took the kids to Maverik to get a little cup of frozen yogurt. 
They sang to me in the car on the way home.  It was perfect.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Glad you had a nice birthday!! All that food...oh my! Love the Maverik birthday treat;)