Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dog Days of Summer

A few weeks before school was out we got an invitation from our Great Grandparents inviting us to join them for a dog party...just what is sounds like.  They adopted a Greyhound a few months back (a rescue) and he had been invited to a Dog party with all the other rescue dogs from Nevada.  Grandpa didn't think we could go without a good breakfast, so we met them before the party for breakfast. 
Chase once again ordered the "pancake".  His plan of attack was to take out the center and pour the syrup in the middle.  Again the pancake won!  I'm actually scared for the day he can finish this thing.  Sadly we are getting closer every time.  This boy can eat.
After breakfast we headed to the dog party.  Once we arrived and checked in, Gallant had to get his muzzle on and then he was let loose to play with all the other Greyhounds.  It was pretty fun to watch all these greyhounds who normally have to always be leashed (part of their adoption agreement) run free.  And boy did they!
I attempted to get some pictures of all the dogs but they were so fast all the photos just look like a blur.  There was a pond there that they could play in and just run and have fun.  They had a potluck lunch for all the "humans".  Our kids were still full from breakfast, but somehow managed to find room for some desserts.
They had all kinds of fun things for the dogs to play.  They had some contests like longest tail/shortest tail.  They also had a bobbing for hot dog contest.  Gallant was not really into sticking his nose into water for a hot dog...he's kinda spoiled in that I think he gets bacon everyday.  He did try...once.
Then they had an obstacle course.  Grandma let Sadi help Gallant with this competition.  She loved this.
She actually did a really good job.  I think she really likes being in control...not sure where she gets that from :)
They also had a silent auction with all kinds of things to bid on (mostly dog items).  Matt took Sadi over and she asked to bid on a cute little necklace.  So as Matt was writing down a $5 bid she walked around and started writing down a $10 bid on this duck....without him knowing.  When he noticed he said "What are you doing?!".   Her reply "What? I bet it costs $10."  I think she thought this was a guessing game.  Guess who was a winner of this duck?
Because Sadi made a bid Matt told Chase he could bet a few dollars on something.  Everything this boy bid on someone went higher.  They were getting ready to close the bidding and Matt said he could go bet $2 on something that had no bid.  He came back so excited and happy "Guess what Dad, I found the perfect thing.  A boat ride on Lake Tahoe for 2 bucks and no one has bit on it!"  That's because it was $250 minimum bid!  We quickly ran to take his name of it before we got suckered into that.  Apparently our kids need a little lesson on silent auctions.

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