Monday, August 26, 2013


Yesterday was Sadi's Sixth birthday...I CANNOT believe it.  I think I am still going to call her five.  The morning began early, well earlier than I expected.  She is usually a late sleeper and so I was surprised when she got up before 7.  She loved her doorway surprise and thinks it should stay up forever.
We had to wait for Daddy to get home from work (he was working the graveyard shift) for her breakfast in bed.  It somehow turned into her breakfast in our bed :)  She was very specific about what she was to be served: chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and chocolate milk.  She enjoyed her breakfast and opened her birthday cards and even took a few phone calls while in bed.
She was taking a bit too long and Daddy was starting to doze off so we hurried her to open her presents before he had to take over the bed.  She was excited to find out what was in those presents and of course being Sadi made sure to add "That's okay if you didn't get me the one I really wanted" after she had unwrapped everything.
 She did get the Monster High play set she has been insistent on and some new monster high dolls (apparently not the right one) and clothes for her dolls, and a new shirt.
Of course it was Ruff Ruff's birthday too.  Anyone who really know Sadi knows she has this favorite puppy that has a birthday literally every single day.  Which she celebrates almost daily.  He was not forgotten on this birthday and was given a special gift as well.
 She was content just playing all day with her new dolls and house.
She and Chase played almost the entire day with the monsters.  Kelsey and I even joined in throughout the day. 
Although we all tired before her, she was content to just play by herself.  She has the funniest personality when she is playing, and I often find myself eaves dropping just for a good laugh.
She had wanted to go out to dinner but since Daddy had a such a weird work week we decided to just eat at home so he could be there too.  Her choice was chicken nuggets...
After dinner we played a few games.  Having a monster themed birthday made it pretty easy to make up some games.  Sadi has really been trying to learn how to blow a bubble with gum, so we played "ghost pop".  We had 6 minutes (#of birthday girl) to blow the biggest ghost. 
I have to say this is funnier than you think.  Take a piece of hubba bubba and try it yourself.  We had a few ghostly sightings.
Next up was Mummy model.  The monster high ghouls are really into fashion so we partnered up and had 6 minutes to mummy our model.  I was Sadi's model, she was pretty proud of her creation.
 Chase was Kelsey's model. 
Sadi was my model and I was going for a bride but then she demanded I wrap her face so she ended up looking kind of ninja like.
Kelsey was Chase's model and well...she's a good sport.  I'm still not sure what the piece draping her head is all about.
The last game was bones in the graveyard.   I had dismembered a skeleton for each person and planted it out back in the sand.  Each person had to find all 6 missing parts and re-assemble their skeleton bringing in only one piece at a time.  Sadi kicked butt and was done before anyone else was even close.
 After games we had some monster cake!
 I still can't believe she is six years old.  She has definitely made life more interesting for all of us and we love our little girl.
Today she was off to celebrate her birthday with her classmates.  Her new teacher asked that she didn't bring a treat to share but rather a favorite book to donate to the class library.  I LOVE this idea.  Although I wish we had more time to find her favorite book(I hate not having a bookstore) we settled on Splat the Cat which is also a fun book.  She's excited to be the first birthday in the class!
Happy Birthday Sadi!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like a fun day...and a little scary with all those monster dolls;) It's amazing how fast they grow up....hope 6 is a great year for Sadi!!!