Thursday, August 8, 2013

Joker Face

Wednesday was the big day for Kelsey.  No more being called brace face...tinsel smile....nice grill (all nicknames we may have used).  The day the braces came off!  How excited she was to walk into the orthodontist office and finally...FINALLY see her name on the board.
She could barely contain her excitement sitting in the chair for the last time with braces on, 
It was pretty cool to watch them take them off, I never knew they came off all together in one strip.  It happened so fast, I missed actually snapping a picture of them coming out.
Checking out her smile in the mirror for the first time....

The Dr. always gets a picture with his patients at the end of the treatment period.  He has been so great, and I think has really peaked Kelsey's interest in the field of orthodontics. 
I though it was so cute they gave her a bottle of sparkling cider to take home to celebrate her beautiful smile.
Now Matt has given her a new nickname...Joker face.  She is always smiling and checking her teeth out in the mirror.  Although sometimes you have to ask "what are you smiling about", it's nice to see her smile all the time!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

She looks so pretty with her new smile:) We just had an ortho consult this week for Bay.