Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school for my kids.  I wanted to try something different for the first day of school pictures, and thought when I took these outside in the sun they looked really good...when I downloaded them I was not thrilled...oh well.  Kelsey started her Senior year...really!?  She is still a baby. 
Chase started 3rd grade.  The night before school as we were laying out every one's first day outfit Chase decided his new clothes were not going to cut it.  He insisted he needed to dress "really nice" for the first day because everyone looked nice the first day(apparently new clothes don't meet the standard).  So at 9 p.m. I was doing laundry to wash this button down shirt he was sure was the right choice.  Then I get this silly cool face in every picture!
My little Sadi....first grader!  She knew exactly what she was wearing.  When we went school shopping it HAD to be a dress (this girl loves dresses).  She chose well, and looked so big made me teary eyed.
 The kids were really excited and all got up early and could not wait to get to school.  Lunches packed...
 Backpacks ready....
Off we went!  This year Chase and Sadi both got new teachers...I mean completely new to teaching.  Chase's teacher is Ms. Yentzen.  She has a southern drawl which I love, and we are excited to get to know her.
Sadi's teacher is Miss Pluta.  She seems really adventurous and fun and I think Sadi is going to have a great year!
After school we had our back to school dinner and got to hear all about every one's day.  We didn't hear much about Sadi's day, as soon as I picked her up and asked her what she did, she said "I forgot".
 Even Matt enjoyed our cafeteria style dinner...poking fun I think.  He like shuffling through the "line" and asking if he could sit at our table.
 I let the kids write something about their day which was fun to read.  Chase raved about how fun his teacher was.  He said they played games all day.  Sadi wrote she did 1 to 100, and Kelsey wrote she finally got a top locker...and she already hates Pre-Calculus.
 After dinner it was time for homework......
My homework!  Blah!  50 plus pages this year....anyone else think this year there were WAY more than last year?  Seriously 3 kids paperwork took me over 2 hours!

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