Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oh the places you'll go...

This summer we set a goal to get out more and explore....hiking that is.  Now with our kids in the past hiking has NOT been fun...AT ALL.  Sadi Someone is constantly complaining.  They are too tired, they are too hungry, they cannot walk another step without dying!  This year has been quite different.  We have had what I am calling "off your butt" success! 
We started out with a simple hike.  Flat, short, but very scenic.  This is Spooner Lake which is a great easy hike for little legs, but the scenery is fantastic!  It's hard to believe we have never done this hike (2.5 miles) because it is so close to us.  There are lots of markers telling about the wildlife and flowers as you walk around the lake.
The second hike we did was also another fairly easy hike.  It was somewhat spur of the moment.  Kelsey was enjoying her summer of sleeping in too much to get up and enjoy this one with us.  We hiked Davis creek (1.7).  This is one hike Kelsey and I have done before.  It was a beautiful day and we had a picnic at the lake...and Sadi loved there were so many furry friends there who wanted to share her lunch.
I'm not entirely sure what was at the end of this hike we went on in July with Matt's brother and Kyle and his girlfriend.  It was suppose to lead to Crater was entirely uphill, rocks the ENTIRE way.  We made it just over 2 miles but never saw a lake.  It was difficult!  It had some beautiful views of the valley and a foot searing river we had  got to cross.  Someone else Matt picked out this hike, and after decided I needed to read hikers reviews carefully before I agreed to anymore like this one. 
One of our usual hikes we do every year with severe whining smiles is the hike at our favorite campground.  The hike to Grover's Falls (3.0).  This was one of the more difficult hikes we did.  Lots of hills and switchbacks, but even our blind little dog made it with no whining. 
This was one of my favorite hikes, Margaret Lake(5.0)...even though the trail is not so easily marked, the scenery the whole way was gorgeous!  Chase likes to take along his new binoculars for bird watching and we were trying to locate the woodpecker here that was so loud we were sure he was above our heads, but never could find him in the dense forest.
We made it to the lake, and had a nice lunch on the rocky shore and the kids dipped their toes in the water.
We have found with Sadi as long as we have lots...I mean lots of water and snacks she is fairly content to hike.  But her favorite thing to do is pick a bouquet of wild flowers on the way back from every hike. She has come home with a beautiful assortment after each hike...some smell prettier than others.
It has been fun to get out and explore and see nature at such a beautiful time of year.  We have been able to see some valley's at such a different view.  This hike had some great (distant) views of Lake Tahoe. 
We have also found some great hidden lakes that someday we will get down and explore.
 A few weeks ago we went on one of our longest hikes...but so rewarding and beautiful.  We hiked to Galena Falls (6.0).
The hike was easy...or maybe were getting in better shape.  The falls were so beautiful and the kids were able to kick off their shoes and play in the water here right below the falls.  This was in the running for my favorite hike of the season.
I thought nothing could beat the scenery of our Galena Falls hike, but I think this next hike won out all others at least for me.  Our next hike led us to Winnemucca Lake (not sure how it got it's name since it is in CA.)
The views along the trail were amazing.  This is looking out at Capels lake across this mountainous valley.  The trail was fairly easy going from thick forest areas to wide open areas filled with fields of wildflowers (although most have already peaked).
The trees along the trail were like none I'd seen.  They twisted and looped but all eventually reaching up...actually some reaching down.  Sadi and Chase named this one along the way the Lorax's tree (because you could stand on it).  Made for some nice places to sit anyway.
 About a mile and a half in we hit frog lake.  Not to big in size, but a nice resting point with some great views...although the kids were disappointed no frogs in site.
 Another mile or so from frog lake we came to Winnemucca Lake(5.8).  So pretty and the water so clear.  You can see on the mountain just behind the lake there is still snow there.  Mind you this is Mid August so that was pretty strange.
After lunch the kids played in the water some and Kelsey got a crazy polar bear urge to jump in and swim...she did it, head under and all!  We then walked around the side of the lake and picked up a snowball for a little mid summer snowball fight.
It was a beautiful day, and such a nice way to spend time with the kids. 
Sadly this was probably the last hike for the summer for us with school starting next week.  We trekked a total of 26 miles this summer..not bad.  We are hoping to get a few hikes in this fall before the weather turns to cold, however fall may be starting already because on our way up the mountains yesterday there were many, many trees in full autumn color! 

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like some fun exploring!! That's great that you guys have gotten into hiking this summer...good for you:)