Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Under the Sea

One of the funnest/memorable days spent in Hawaii was the following day we spent snorkeling in Hanauma Bay.  Located on the East side of the island in what is undoubtedly the most beautiful and scenic part of Oahu.
We arrived early morning and spent most of the day exploring the amazing reefs here.
The abundance of fish and life living on the coral here is almost indescribable.  You could actually hear the fish eating off the coral under the water.  It was pretty amazing.
We spent a good part of the day snorkeling in between rainstorms.  Someone didn't put any sunscreen on their back, and spent the rest of the day in pain!  Not exactly a night in paradise this night.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Ouch .. that back! Hope he's recovered:)