Tuesday, June 21, 2016


This year for my birthday we decided to celebrate big with a trip to Hawaii!!  We left really early on the 7th.  I slept most of the flight, but woke up to the view of the islands from the air...breathtaking.
Because we left early, we also arrived early on the island of Oahu, which gave us time to relax and settle in a bit.  The view from our hotel was not disappointing.  We were literally across the street from Waikiki beach.
We took a stroll on the beach, picked up some shells, and Matt even found a shark tooth!
We met this local on the pier who was feeding the fish...and the birds.  He was more than happy to share them with us, but we opted out (for obvious reasons).  Besides being able to see the fish from the pier, we also encountered lots of crabs.
These banyan trees that grow all over on the island were pretty cool, giving it a real jungle feel.
We walked around and found a little place to eat dinner, I think it was called the Cheese Burger Palace.  We were pretty hungry and although they had a large selection of menu items, we both ended up ordering burgers.  The food wasn't great, but the fact that it was right on the beach made it taste a little better.
We stayed at the Aston in Waikiki, which was near the end of the beach walk and not as crowded with tourists.
We had a beautiful view from our balcony where we spent almost every morning and evening.  I mean who can beat this view......
A great way to end our first day in paradise.

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