Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Super Hawks

Last Friday was the first Citizenship assembly at Riverview.  One or two kids from each class is recognized by their teacher as Citizen of the month.  I was helping out the Boosters when the president came over and whispered "both your kids are receiving the award today" .  Because they keep the winners top secret until they are announced it was fun to see their reactions. Sadi was shocked and was ecstatic to see Chase's name called too. 
They each got a certificate, spirit shirt, pencil, and at lunch got to eat together where they set up a special table for the kids and were also given ice cream.  The also each received a free meal ticket for Jack in the box.  Guess where we headed that night for dinner? 
It's nice to see them rewarded for being such good students.  Super proud of my little Hawks!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

WOW.. ..Way to go Chase and Sadi!! I love how your school recognizes good kids.