Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Pick of the Patch

This past weekend I took the kids to the pumpkin patch.  This year I planned to get there early in the season so we would get a good pick from the patch.   We spent a good portion of the day there and it was beautiful.  We had fun (well most of us) going through the corn maze.  This year it was cut into the shape of Nevada including roadways and all...they neglected to tell us that going into it which might have helped.
If you ventured too far out it took you to a bordering state.  I said to Chase "Wow you took us all the way to Oregon!"  He literally thought we had walked to another state.  It's hard not to get turned around in there, and we ended up visiting Utah and California as well.
 Someone wanted to "hitch" a ride on I-15 out of the corn maze!  She was "sooooooooo hot, and sooooooooooo thirsty".  Can't you just imagine a hot day in a corn maze with this one? 
We also visited the petting zoo.  Chase wanted a picture with this gentle(?)goat.  Ya, I avoided him.  If you have horns wrapped up in gauze there's probably a good reason.
We also made bets on who we thought would win the pig race.  They are really fun to watch, and run faster than you think.  Interesting tidbit: they race for Oreo cookies.
Before leaving we headed to the pumpkin patch..or patches rather.  30,000 pumpkins to choose from.  It didn't take too long this year to find the perfect pick.  We had some losers though.  Too heavy....
 Too "not perfectly perfect"....
Too white?....
 At the end of the day, we headed home with these 3 beauties.....
A perfect trio waiting to be carved.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like a fun day.. ..my kind of thing for sure!! Glad to see they each got their perfect pumpkin:}