Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A bushel....or maybe a peck

This past weekend the kids had a 3 day weekend so when we weren't at baseball (most of the weekend) I had planned a few other fun things to do.  I found an organic apple orchard not too far from where we live and so decided to take the kids apple picking.  I remember doing this growing up with my family.  I must have been pretty young because I don't remember where we went but I remember the orchard's being huge!  I remember "trying out" many apples before picking them.  When we arrived at the orchard it seemed a bit on the small side...I was expecting the trees to go on forever I guess.  After we checked in and listened to how to properly pick (or rather cut) our apples we set off into the trees.  We searched low.....
  We searched high......
Some of us inspected our apples AFTER we had picked it...."he said it was still ok if it had black spots on it right Mom?"
We picked golden delicious (my favorite), Gala, Braeburn, and Cameo.  At the end of the day they all found their perfect apples.
I had to bite my tongue a few times as this one clipped many "so cute" quarter size apples.  Pretty sure I paid for quite a few apple cores by the pound.
Once their baskets were filled we were off to the weigh station.   Poor Kelsey had to listen to all of us crunching our delicious apples on the way home (one of the down sides of braces). 
I wanted to bake an apple pie when we got home but the kids lacked confidence in my pie making abilities so I bought an apple pie and heated it up so the house at least smelled like I baked a pie.  It was scrumptious!  A perfect end to a perfect day.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

I would love to do this...such an ideal fall activity. Poor Kelsey is right...I remember those days well. I also remember the day I got my braces off, Mark brought me a caramel apple and my front teeth were too weak to bite into it, so I had to slice it up anyway. It was the thought that counted:}