Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

This weekend it was finally time to carve our pumpkins.  The kids whipped them out in record time this year.  I think this is the first year Kelsey hasn't eaten the seeds straight from the pumpkin (gag).
Chase needed no help this year.  He drew his own face and carved it himself!
Sadi even carved her own this year (with a little assistance).  I think she was excited we gave her a knife to carve with.  Whoever invented the little carving sets...genius!
 It was quite the showcase of scary faces when they were finished. 
Sadi was pretty proud of her work..diamond eyes and all!
Kelsey's spooky jack.....
 We can't wait to light the night with our trio of Jack O' Lanterns!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Oh what fun!! Don't you love seeing what they each come up with for their pumpkin design. They look very spooky:}