Friday, August 3, 2012

Trek 2012

Yesterday I dropped off Kelsey to take part in Trek.  Trek is a re-creation (on a much smaller level) of the pioneer journey across the plains pushing/pulling handcarts along the way.  She looked so cute dressed up in her pioneer outfit. 
 Her, along with her friends all looked the part.  I just hope they were prepared for the days ahead.  Although they had all been on smaller hikes leading up to this I don't think anyone predicted the 99 degree weather yesterday.  It was hot!  I hope they all come back with smiling faces like this.(and maybe a new appreciation for all those things we take for granted)

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Well she certainly looks official... ..minus the braces:} I wonder if she will come back feeling official? It will be a good experience for her either way!!