Friday, August 3, 2012

The Big 4-0

Yesterday was Matt's 40th birthday.  I wanted to throw him a big party but when I started planning out what to do I realized it would be almost impossible with all our friends and family living so far away to come out.  So plan B was to bring you all to him by way of memories.  Thanks to everyone who made this possible.  First off I made this huge timeline of his life with photos.
Below the timeline was a basket filled with a few surprises and some of his favorites (he thought this was his gift which was great).  You'll notice a very old looking history book in this basket.  He loves history and loved this book.
The best's not an antique book at all but a hollowed out book which I had hidden a treasure map in, which led to his real gift.
  The map read:
According to legend August 2, 1972
a great treasure was revealed.
Each year it has grown
in wealth and legend be told
 it is buried where only the greatest can uncover it.

The map was marked with locations that lead him to places through our house and yard.  (Kelsey's room was dead man's lair, etc.) 
Hidden at X marks the spot was this really cool treasure chest I had found with his real present inside.
The treasure was all of the memories sent to me over the months each of you have  had with Matt over the years.
As much as I wanted to read all of them as they arrived, I didn't read any of them.  I wanted to be able to share this with him as he re-lived his memories too.  It was THE BEST!  He spent the morning reading each letter,
 looking at old videos and pictures,
 and laughing hysterically!!
I have to say I haven't been able to pull too many surprises over on Matt and I think this one really topped all.  Thank you all sooo much for all your thoughts you shared with us. I have to say I really do think this is one birthday he will never forget!!


John Festin said...

Very cool, Karen! Happy Birthday, Matt! Hope you guys are doing well!

marknkim said...

What a great way to celebrate. Happy Birthday Matt!!! Hey 40 doesn't look so bad after all.. ...maybe I can stop obsessing about it:}

Bogenschutz said...

Way to go, What an awesome idea.
It looks like he totally enjoyed his BIG Birthday!! They get bigger ya know? Just sayin