Friday, August 24, 2012


Tuesday was the second day of school for the kids.  There was no telling Chase he could not ride the bus (he wanted to ride it the first day).  Sadi was ready to ride the big yellow bus too.  This was harder than letting her go all day the day before.  I knew Chase would watch out and take care of her and make sure she would get where she needed to be in the morning.
My anxiety peaked late afternoon when it was time for them to get on the bus at school.  I worried Sadi would get lost (Chase was not allowed to pick her up from rules). I worried she would get on the wrong bus.  I worried she would not get on a bus at all.  My anxiety grew as the bus didn't come on was 25 minutes late!  Hello heart palpitations!  FINALLY it came and aboard were my 2 happy bus riders!
I hoped they might re-think riding the bus, but alas they love it!  Letting go is hard.


marknkim said...

Oh that is so hard as a mom!! I can remember Bailee begging to ride the bus in 1st grade and because she was the last kid dropped off {for some reason they take all the "country kids" before the "in-town" kids} it was a good hour after school got out. In the mean-time I had been on the phone with the school and bus barn and they had tracked down the bus driver. She was just fine when they brought her to our house.. ..but mom was not. I am sure you will all adjust to the bus riding routine. How long is the bus ride for them?

Bogenschutz said...

That is one tough day. Hope it gets better as the year goes by.
The picture was totally cute there little tiny faces peaking out the bus window. Priceless!!