Sunday, August 9, 2015

Back on Campus

Last Tuesday was moving day.  Seems like we just did this...oh yeah because we did.  Kelsey got a job as a Resident Assistant which meant her moving day got moved up by almost a month.  She was excited to be assigned the brand new dorm that hasn't even been open to the public yet.  Here's her first look at her new home, Peavine Hall.
 So with loads, and loads, and loads of "stuff" we started moving.
It was a little erie walking through the dorm which was not even close to being ready for residents.  The walls had just been painted, there was painters tape everywhere and signs to not touch the walls.  All the rooms were open with bed frames and dressers ready to be put together on the floor.  I was a little nervous we would have to be putting her bed together.  She got her key to her new room, even adorned with a cute little door tag.
 First look at the new room...
Because it is so new she had no idea what to expect.  There isn't a lot of storage areas or shelves like her last dorm.  She was super excited about the size of the shower...except she didn't have a shower curtain (kinda important thing to put on the "to bring" list).
It was time to get to work setting up and decorating.  We ran into a few challenges like that popcorn looking ceiling...actually cement.  Made for hanging her cute craft above her bed in never gonna happen.  Matt tried a few other options, but it was quickly decided it wasn't going to work.
Chase and Sadi entertained themselves.  They love that you can hide/play under the beds because they're so high off the ground.
The kids and Daddy were getting bored and hungry so they decided to take off and I stayed to help her finish getting settled.  Saying goodbye again....
Kelsey and I spent the rest of the night hanging pictures and trying to find places for all her stuff.  We got a nice start to making it feel a little bit homey.
 We grabbed a quick dinner and then it was time to say goodbye. 
I know she is a little nervous about her new job and harder classes this year but I am sure that she will do a great job.  It's hard to believe this little kid of ours is a Sophomore!  Sniff, sniff.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Hard to believe she is already in her second year of college! That's great that she will have a RA position:)