Thursday, August 27, 2015


Tuesday our baby turned eight years old.  EIGHT!  Because it was a school day it was an early morning breakfast in bed.  Normally she loves her sleep, but she was excited so she was up early with a smile.
She enjoyed reading all her birthday cards she got in the mail over her breakfast of french toast and chocolate milk.  One of her cards had a picture of bacon on to which she exclaimed "you forgot the bacon!"  You know the bacon she NEVER could I forget?
Then it was time to get ready for school.  I hate when birthday's are also school days.  We made sure to have a treat ready to share with her class.
 She wanted chocolate donuts.  So, we made them into 8's.
One of the highlights of her day was getting rid of that Booster seat in the car.  I told her when she turned eight we could toss it out, and that is just what she did first thing in the morning.  Probably could have went without it awhile ago, but her weight really doesn't fit the guidelines of being without. 
 After school we rushed home to open presents....
She could barely wait for Matt to get through the door before tearing into them.
She was excited to get this evil monster high doll she has been wanting for awhile (Torelei the daughter of the werecat).
 She also got some new Lego friends, and a new outfit for cheer.
 She got right to work building with Chase and Daddy.
This year for dinner she chose mac-n-cheese with chicken nuggets (her favorite) and cucumbers.  She actually asked for a vegetable?!  She must be growing up.
She had asked for a cheer party and because we had cheer practice right after dinner it worked out that practice became the party.
I was a little sad that it wouldn't be fun having school AND practice on her birthday, but this smile during water break told me I had nothing to worry about.
The whole squad sang Happy Birthday to Sadi and we brought mini cupcakes to celebrate with the team.  It ended with some loud, happy girls.
We then headed home for more cake.  Sadi wanted a chocolate cake with vanilla icing and chocolate chips on top.  I bought what I thought were blue chocolate decorating chips.  Once I was done decorating I popped one in my mouth...SOUR.  They were NOT chocolate.  Apparently I did not read the label very clearly. I threw on some real chocolate chips in between the blue to try to redeem myself. 
This kid still gets scared when we light the candles, and refused to come to the table until every candle was lit.   Then it was all smiles before blowing out every single one.  I guess I didn't mess up the cake too much, the kids said those blue candies were the best! 
As much as I love watching her grow, I wish we could slow down time.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Happy Birthday to miss Sadi! Hope life as an 8 year old is amazing:)