Sunday, May 19, 2013

Graduation Weekend!

This weekend was Matt's graduation from UNR.  We were lucky to have quite a few family members make the long trip here to celebrate.  We all got together the night before in Reno to hang out and stay the night in a hotel. 
We hit the UNR swag shop to see if we could find any cool gear.  Kelsey found the perfect wolf pack hat, but we decided it might be a bit much for graduation day.
Graduation day was started at 8 a.m. so we had a very early morning since Matt had to be there even earlier to check in.
While he waited in line, we saved seats.  It was a bit chilly that early in the morning and I was nervous the kids would be too cold, but it quickly warmed up and became a beautiful day.  Poor Grandma Denning had a broken foot but was such a trooper with all the walking she had to do.  Her and Kelsey saving some seats....
The row of Grandparents...
Uncle David and Chase and Sadi...
The Pedro family (Matt's Sister)...
The ceremony was perfect.  We all cheered really loud for him, and once his name was read Sadi said "Yeah! Now we can go home!"  It was so much more special having so many of his family members there to celebrate this accomplishment with him.   His Grandparents Dick and Carolyn,
His Nana Goodale,
His parents who traveled two days to make it to his Graduation,
and his brother David.  Somehow I missed a photo with his sister and her family (I think I was running Sadi to the restroom).
We are all so proud of him and all the hard work he put into making it to this day. It was also nice for Kyle and Kelsey to see what they have to look forward in just one more year...eek!
I am happy we made it, and we can finally take a break from least for a while.  After 4 years of school  I think we've all missed having Daddy at home.
As we were leaving they had all of these different signs on the lampposts throughout campus.  I saw this one and thought this one was quite appropriate for the occasion.
We all headed back home for a party at our house.  I was too busy I guess that I really didn't get any photos besides the cake, I guess that means it was a good party?
Glad this day finally came, and look forward to where it may take us!  Congratulations Baby!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Congratulations Matt!! That is no easy feat...I know firsthand. How great that you had some family out to share the special occasion with:}