Friday, May 31, 2013

Another Grad...

Do you remember way last fall
When I was oh so very small?

Now look at me! I’m grown up here!
And my, I've learned a lot this year!

In fact, you think I'm really great!
That's why I get to graduate!
Thursday was Sadi's Graduation...sniff, sniff.  My baby is growing up.  She has learned SO much in this one year with full day Kindergarten, I cannot tell you the difference I've seen.  The Kindergarten classes put on what was one of the best productions I have ever seen.  They put Sadi right in front since she was the best singer (imagine those home videos you see of kids that yell so loud it makes you laugh...that was my kid, and to be honest we were all shocked).
 We could not be more proud of our little Grad!
Sadi with Mrs. Bergstrom....whom we LOVE to pieces!  We honestly could not say enough things about her to even begin to tell you what an amazing teacher she is.  She really has spoiled us for any teacher in the future.
Sadi and one of her "Besties" Mallory.  She really made some great friends this year! 
After Graduation it was time to say our last goodbyes and take down all those special memories that had lined the hallway including this self portrait on Graduation day.  I love this.
 Sadi also won the "sweet tart" award" for being a sweet heart to all.
It was a fun filled day, and later it was time to have a little celebration.  We had a milk and cookie party...perfect for our little sweet tooth!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Holy Moly..they do Kindergarten graduation BIG at your school:) That is too funny that she was the lead vocalist in the program!!