Tuesday, May 22, 2012

For the love of the game...

Can we just not cheat?  On Saturday we were at Chase's Baseball game watching cheaters.....I mean grown men teaching our kids how to play baseball ALL WRONG.  I get stealing bases...sort of.  But when the ball is overthrown to first base do we really need to steal 3 bases to make a score?  Come on people!!  They say they don't keep score but they do!  Do we want to teach our kids it's all about the score and  not learning?...psshhh!  On the upside of the annoying cheating  game Chase had a great day!  His coach gave out the first ball of the season....
Chase's first big hit.  Even though he got out before he made it to first base I liked that the kid tried to  maneuver around the first baseman like he was playing tag and not baseball.  That's my boy!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

You're right....parents are by far worse than the kids. Unfortunately kids learn from their parents...geesh!