Sunday, March 20, 2016

Lucky Day

St. Patrick's Day came...before my kids even knew it!  They had been talking about what kind of trap they were going to make this year for days leading up to it, and then forgot and went to bed without actually building one.  It was a long week for me, and so I forgot to remind them before they went to bed.
In the morning, it quickly dawned on Chase they forgot.  That tricky little leprechaun left them a note:
You give up?
No trap for me?
I'm still lucky,
More gold for me!
That did not keep him from dropping glitter all over the house!  He was nice enough to leave them a little treat by the door before he escaped.
We enjoyed our lucky charm breakfast, and then dressed in our pinch proof clothes for school.
They were loaded up with a lucky green lunch,
and we also made some little treats for our favorite teachers.
We ended the night with a lucky dinner...I mean how lucky are we to have each other?

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Impressive! Our Leprechaun was a little less enthusiastic this year. I call it trying to simplify .... some may call it lazy;)