Sunday, March 20, 2016

Date Night

Early in the week,  Sadi came home from school with a flyer about a community Daddy/Daughter dance held at the high school.  She asked Matt if he would take her, to which he said YES!  She could not stop talking about it ALL. WEEK.  Friday night FINALLY came, and this kid was beside herself with excitement.
They went to dinner first, and then hit the dance floor.  I think Matt was exhausted by the time the night ended (he said they danced A LOT).  It was good she had some friends there as well to give Dad a little break. 
Because that left Chase and I alone for the night, I decided we too would have a date night.  We headed to one of OUR favorite places in town, the Pizza Factory.  We talked over pizza, and I am embarrassed to say we almost finished that whole pizza ourselves!
Then we rented a scary movie....
Although Chase had already seen this movie, it still gave him Goosebumps...and me as well.  That Slappy is one creepy dummy!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like a fun night for all of you. Haven't seen the Goosebumps movie yet ...we will have to give it a try.