Thursday, December 3, 2015

Home for the Weekend

Kelsey was able to come home from college for the Thanksgiving break.  The kids were excited to spend time with her.  She actually wanted to play Chase's bean boozled game he got for his birthday.
Her first and second spins on the game ended in "good" tasting beans...lucky duck.
 Chase's luck was well....
Not so lucky.  They played 5 rounds.  Kelsey did get a few unfavorable flavors but didn't even blink at them (skunk spray, rotten egg, and barf).  Seriously how do you not gag?  She ate the entire bean...yuck!
There were many games of UNO played and plenty of hours catching up on sleep.  She even roped the entire family into helping her with a project one afternoon.
We all helped make these mini rolo pencils she is giving to all the students living on her dorm floor as a finals week treat for good luck.
Hopefully she won't need luck for her finals, and she'll have all the "write" answers.

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