Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Elfing around

It has been another fun month at our house having all our little elves keeping themselves busy at night.  Here are just a few things they have been up to.
 A late night game of scrabble incorporating Christmas words.
 They had the coffee ready to go one morning.
It was a busy night of toilet papering the Christmas tree.
Looks like they took the tootsie pop challenge to see just how many licks it takes to get to the center of the tootsie pop...well one of them.
 They found some vehicles to race through the kitchen.
 They were hanging out in the bathroom.
Poor little guys caught our flu bug I think...who knew elves puked m&m's?
Our house will sure seem quieter when these little guys return to the North Pole, but it wouldn't be Christmas without them.

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