Tuesday, December 29, 2015

3rd times a charm

A few days after Christmas I took Kelsey for her 3rd try at getting her wisdom teeth out.  The Dr. had arranged for her to be able to go to the hospital and get her IV put in by the specialists at the Infusion Center.  She checked in early in the morning and was surrounded by "needle experts" and a whole room full of elderly people having treatments.  There was an elderly gentleman seated next to her that was just the cutest carrying on a conversation with her.
The nurses tried to find her vein using their vein finder...with no luck.  I was starting to wonder if she was actually human.  My hope this was going to work really started to dwindle when they called the E.R. to see if the anesthesiologist on call could come take a look.  He had already left for the day and so she spent an hour being prodded before finally we had success!
Then we headed over to the oral surgeon.  It was over an hour and a half in the waiting room before they finally took her back...to wait some more.
My curiosity got the better of me while we were waiting.  I wanted to see what was under all those cloth sheets with her name on.  Under sheet number 1....
And part of what was under sheet number 2...
I tried not to show on my face to Kelsey how scary it looked.  I wish you could see how HUGE that needle was up in the top left of this picture.  I told her it just looked like normal dentist tools.  Finally the Dr. came in and took a look at the IV, and then it was time to get started.
I was sent out into the waiting room to wait some more.  These two were good about entertaining themselves (and getting comfy). 
It only took about 30 minutes and she was 4 teeth lighter!  She was pretty impressed at how fast it went and repeated this to the nurse and I over, and over, and OVER.
Looks like this girl may be ringing in the new year with some good drugs and a bowl full of pudding :)

1 comment:

marknkim said...

What an ordeal! Glad it finally worked out for her:)