Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Gifts

Each year I try to let the kids come up with a simple gift to give to their friends at school.  Although it is a simple gift, it means a lot to them to give to their friends.
Chase decided these Grinch pills would be perfect for his friends (and perfect for both boys and girls).
For Sadi's friends we found the perfect gift.  What girl doesn't need another chap stick?
Luckily she delivered her gifts a few days prior to the break since she got sick and had to miss the last day of school (that darn flu bug hit pretty hard).
We also made another version for them to give to their teacher's.
I seem to struggle every year with the teacher's gift, but this year I found a winner...
I bought their favorite wine, added a label with our kids picture on it with a cute little saying "Our kid might be the reason you drink, so enjoy this bottle on us".  I have never got so many compliments on a gift before, and every teacher wants our kids to be in their class next year.  WINNER.
I missed going to the kids parties, and felt horrible that Sadi had to miss her class party because she caught that nasty bug.  Normally such a fun day at school ended up being a quiet day at home.  Hopefully no one else gets that "gift".

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