Thursday, April 2, 2015


So April 1st crept up really fast this year.  I had every intention of playing some really good tricks on the kids this year....BUT this last month has been very busy.  With Matt out of town with work I was pulling double duty every night, and working at the school a lot.  The night before Chase said "I'm so excited for tomorrow!'.  To that I went O crap (in my head).  I was too tired to even think about it but did have one thing in my pocket I hadn't told them about yet.  Maybe the best trick was to not trick them at all?  The morning began early with Chase asking and wondering what was for breakfast...I had no tricks.  Then he was completely convinced that I had changed all the clocks in the house and he was adamant he was not falling for that trick...he was sure I made him get up early...nope.  Before school I told them that we were going to do something exciting after school.  Uncle David was going to come take us to dinner (which we had previously arranged a few nights before since he was going to be in town).  Ahhhh...finally Chase thought I was trying to fool him.  "Yeah right Mom, David is going to drive 7 hours to take us to dinner!  Sure!  I'm not falling for that one".  As I told them goodbye I heard him tell Sadi "I bet she's gonna hire someone to drive a blue mustang and park it at our house and have someone pretend to be Uncle David".  Apparently sometimes the best trick is no trick.  Uncle David was here after school and as soon as Chase saw Uncle David's new blue mustang he believed I really had hired a decoy.  But when they saw it was real they were thrilled!
Uncle David treated us to a very nice dinner.  We went to my favorite (Olive Garden).  The kids tried something new for the first time..Calamari.  Of course we waited until they tried it to tell then what it was.  Sadi said "Wait!  What?  This is Squid?  I love Squid!"
And of course, there was dessert.  We ordered a few things to share.  Sadi took care of the chocolate mousse cheesecake pretty much by herself, and Chase was all about these powdered sugar donuts that you dip in chocolate.  Chocolate overload!
Dinner was great, but the company was even better.  I couldn't actually let the kids go to bed without any tricks, that would just end in a lot of paranoia I think.  Someone needed help wiping themselves in the bathroom....
There was some bad doggy business happening in Sadi's room.....
and some of you may know about Chase's weird phobia of napkins well, I told him I made him a special quilt....
too far?  I think not.  That would be putting them on him in his sleep(don't think I didn't think about it).  

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Looks like you fooled em' without even meaning to;) I'm curious about this napkin phobia??