Saturday, April 25, 2015

License to...

Someone has not been very excited about getting their drivers license (Kelsey).  It's not uncommon for kids to not get their license until much later than 16 out here, I'm still not sure why.  After driving her all summer last year I told her it was time.  Friday she took her driving test.  A quick check in at the DMV and she was off  with the driving instructor (yes, I was taking pictures from the parking lot)
I wasn't sure if walking back in this face was pure relief or the feeling of success...
 This is proof they will give anyone a license....
just kidding, they said she earned it.   BUT, watch your car with this one if she's parallel parking...just saying.

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Shhh...don't tell Bailee you can make it through your first year of college without a license;)