Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring Break, Spirit Week, and PTC

To say this past week was busy would be an understatement.  Kelsey was on break from school but the little's were not, so we tried to fit in some fun (amongst all the to do things).  We started the week out with a girls day out and went to see Cinderella...loved it!  A must see I think.
This week was spirit week for Chase and Sadi (besides P.T.C., half days, starting new sports, and St. Patty's day..whew!)  Monday was crazy hair and sock day.  Usually I try to do something really creative with the kids hair and this year was a no go for either of them...they were content with just messing it up (and adding a few bows).  Sadi thought wearing one tiny sock on one foot was pretty crazy.
While it was crazy for the kiddos at school Kelsey and I got some stuff done.  We took her to the Oral surgeon for her wisdom teeth removal consult (holy big bill), got new haircuts, went shopping and out to eat, and some other stuff I am not allowed to mention...think she's got a license to?
Chase and Sadi sported their favorite college one day,
and we rounded out the week with hats and sunglasses.
In case this week wasn't busy enough we also had to squeeze in Parent Teacher Conferences.  I met these two after school to see how they were doing.
Of course no need to worry, they both got straight A's and their teacher's raved on and on about what good kids they are.  So proud of them and how hard they work in, if we could get some of those "quiet kids" at home more often that would be GREAT!

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Such cute kids and how fun to get to spend some time with the college girl. Mark took our girls to Cinderella while I was in Austin and they LOVED it as well!!