Saturday, March 21, 2015

It ain't easy being green

Well another year....another trap, and we still did not catch that tricky Leprechaun!  Chase was SURE this year he had it figured out, if he told him exactly what to do (Do not stay in here until 8 a.m. as the sign read) he would surely do the opposite.
Well in the morning we found he had STOLE all the pennies we left out as bait, left glitter EVERYWHERE, and of course made his yearly pit stop in our bathroom to take a tinkle. 
 He did leave each of the kids a treat with a note attached that read:
Try, try, hard as you can,
You'll never catch a leprechaun!
We're much too smart,
And much to quick.
I know better than to fall for your trick!
But, I'll leave you a treat before I go,
A little bit of a tasty rainbow!
 He also left a "magically delicious" breakfast that Sadi was pretty excited about.
We put on our no pinching clothes and were off to school,
but not before I packed them a overly lucky lunch, filled with lots of green and of course lots of jokes.
We also made a little gift for our special teacher's who we're very lucky to have.
Due to having back to back sport practices that night we had our St. Patty's day dinner a wee bit later (the next day).
We had Pot o' gold potatoes, and rainbow salad (basically just a chef salad with all the fixin's).  Easy and delicious.
 We ended the night with some beer....

1 comment:

marknkim said...

Those kids are pretty LUCKY!! We pretty much forgot about St Patty's since we were traveling. We did stop and get Shamrock Shakes, but I think I will forever feel guilt about not doing more cuz Emmrey loves the whole Leprechaun thing;)