Monday, August 18, 2014

A new "Bee"ginning

Today was the first day of school.  I don't know where summer went, but it went fast!  In preparation for the first day of school, last night I gave the kids their back to school book that has kind of become a tradition.  I found the perfect book this year which really spoke to me as a parent about letting go of control (a little...I am still a control freak).  Pete the Cat Too Cool For School talks about how being yourself is cool.  Super cute book.
This morning I saw the cutest exchange happening while I was making breakfast and overheard these two in bed discussing what the day might be like...they were speculating on what their teacher's might be like.  Pretty funny stuff!
We started off with breakfast and some encouraging thoughts for the day.
I cannot believe we made it to fourth grade already...fourth grade!
And check out our little miss second grade diva.  Yes, this is where I let go and let her pick out her first day of school outfit all by me I questioned this look many times.  Me: "Are you sure this looks good?"  Her :"No, it looks awesome!"
I packed lunches with more encouraging notes.  Getting the theme here?  "I Hope your having a Bee-utiful day, and remember to Bee yourself!"
 Before we knew it we were re-entering those squeaky blue doors.
Chase could not wait to get to class and see his friends.  This is his new teacher Ms. Bailey.  I think he was nervous because she's so pretty :)
Sadi was a bit more hesitant to go to class.  Her new teacher, Mrs. Elliott.
Dinner time this year was a bit different, Matt had to work all night but called to see how the kids first day was, and although Kelsey wasn't here she called while I was making dinner and told me about her first day of college (kinda strange not to hear about high school).  For that fact since it was just me and the little ones I kept dinner simple and got to hear ALL about their day.
Of course there was an un"bee"lievable dessert.  Edible bees made from Twinkies.
We talked about what they learned, who they sat by, and what was their best part of the day.  They also filled out little cards that said what they wanted to "bee" when they grow up.
How do you know when it was the best school day ever?  When they both wrote that when they grow up they want to be a TEACHER! 

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