Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hiking Fail

This summer started out with high hopes of camping trips, hiking, and spending lots of time outdoors.  Between work schedules and getting ready for college there has been little if any time for any of those things.  A few weeks ago we were coming up on a day that no one had anywhere they had to be (very rare).  We decided a hike was in order.  The morning we were to head out it was looking a bit overcast at our house and I was hesitant about going.  Matt looked up the weather and according to the weatherman it was only to be light rain showers in the evening where we were headed.  The closer we got to our destination (quite a distance away) the more we realized it was not to be....
Matt was hesitant to turn around (didn't want to admit it was a failure).  I was a bit freaked out about going off a cliff..oh and did I mention the downpour?  We headed back down and pulled off the road for lunch in a meadow.
I thought we could salvage the day and walk around a bit, but Matt someone didn't come quite prepared and was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  So after lunch we packed up and headed home.  A long drive for a drizzly snack in the mountains.  What makes it worse is we got home and it was blazing hot here....didn't even see a sprinkle. 

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