Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Beach Days

We spent a couple of days up at the lake while family was in town.  I love our days at the lake, they are always so relaxing.  The girls spent a good amount of one morning building sand castles.
These two also spent a good amount of time chatting on the shore.
I think my kids enjoy all the snacking I let them do at the beach.  Chase was introduced to cheese in the can this summer, one word...love.
Sadi was pretty adamant that she was going to catch a fish with her little sand bucket.  She was getting pretty upset those fish weren't jumping on board with this idea.  Frustration...
We did however catch a crawdad.  Kyle was the first one actually brave enough to pick him up.
Of course we had to challenge him to let it pinch him, you know make a cool nipple ring.  It never really did latch on, but it was a good laugh for all of us to watch.  Nothing like watching a big tough teen turning into a screeching little girl.
It was a fun day visiting with family and relaxing with our toes in the sand.

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