Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fun Times

We had lots of fun while family was in town doing all kinds of different things.  We did spend a day (maybe two) hanging out at home.  Tori and Aunt Susan taught us how to make bubbles and bubble blowers.
The kids had fun doing this one afternoon.  Check out this big one...
We celebrated every one's birthday and Susan even hid plastic cupcakes all over the house for the kids to find (like an Easter egg hunt). 
Tori is always such a good sport to play with the kids and spent a good part of an afternoon playing Monster High with Sadi while Kelsey was at work.
Of course we played games and laughed a lot at night and we winded the nights down by "talking" to each other.....#getoffyourphone

Spa Night

We decided one night while my sister was still in town we would have a spa night.  We bought mud masks and nail polish.  I did Sadi's facial first and then she wanted to do mine.  I should have known when she could not stop giggling this might not have been a good idea.  Picture a 6 year old making "art" on your face and you will get the idea.
My facial turned out so "great" I told her she had to do Aunt Suzy's.  She was thrilled to be the master of the facials.
She did a good job...making sure she got all of her face.  Lips need mud too right?
Of course we couldn't leave Chase out so I had bought him a peel off mask so he could join the party.  He was excited to feel what smooth skin he was going to have.
I think once we started peeling it off he decided he really didn't ever need smooth skin.
There were also a few brave enough to let Sadi try out her new polish on them.  Those were some special pedicures let me tell ya.
By the time Sadi got to Kelsey I think she had it down pretty good.  Some of us still had some "wet" areas, but we all were pampered pretty good. 

Beach Days

We spent a couple of days up at the lake while family was in town.  I love our days at the lake, they are always so relaxing.  The girls spent a good amount of one morning building sand castles.
These two also spent a good amount of time chatting on the shore.
I think my kids enjoy all the snacking I let them do at the beach.  Chase was introduced to cheese in the can this summer, one word...love.
Sadi was pretty adamant that she was going to catch a fish with her little sand bucket.  She was getting pretty upset those fish weren't jumping on board with this idea.  Frustration...
We did however catch a crawdad.  Kyle was the first one actually brave enough to pick him up.
Of course we had to challenge him to let it pinch him, you know make a cool nipple ring.  It never really did latch on, but it was a good laugh for all of us to watch.  Nothing like watching a big tough teen turning into a screeching little girl.
It was a fun day visiting with family and relaxing with our toes in the sand.

Family and Fireworks

4th of July was such a fun/busy day.  We actually had overlapping visitors (definitely feeling popular this summer).  Uncle David arrived the day before and Aunt Susan and cousin Tori were arriving that day.   
We headed up to Virginia City that afternoon to watch the parade.  Kelsey had to head off to work shortly after the parade started so we found a place to sit not to far from her work so she could watch with us for a bit.
Some of us were getting anxious for the candy to start showering the street...which again this year they did not disappoint.
 I love this small town parade, and along with all our favorites, they had a few new entries this year.  This old fire truck complete with Dalmatian was one of my favorites.
 I also enjoy seeing the veterans honored in the parade. 
The boys favorite was watching the horse slip in the donkey doo...yeah that happened.  We also got to see our cute little friends cheering their way down main street.
After the parade we headed home to wait for Aunt Susan and Tori to arrive before we fired up the barbecue.  We watched the hot dog eating contest on t.v. and talked about how many hot dogs we thought we could eat.  We grilled up some dogs and ate (a few less than we speculated we could).  We visited, and some of us slipped in a nap...
Before sunset we headed back up to Virginia City to find just the right spot to watch the fireworks. 
 We lit up the night with glow sticks galore,
 and "oh snap" it was a good time.
Once the show started it was a bit slow going and we weren't sure when the finale was finally happening.  Kelsey was still working until halfway through the firework show, luckily all she had to do was walk outside to see it.  Perk of the job I guess. Another spectacular 4th!

One fish, Fish two fish...still can't swim

One thing that I was positive I was going to do this summer was to get the kids into swimming lessons.  Luckily a friend of mine had the right connections and we were able to get into lessons the end of June (they fill up crazy fast out here).  We took lessons up in Virginia City which was perfect since I am driving up there 4 plus times a week.  Chase has only taken lessons once, and Sadi never has (I know shame on me...summer gets busy!).  Chase was more than ready to take off and Sadi had no interest in "dunkin" her head below chin level.
The first week was wasted (in my opinion).  They had a new teacher that just liked to play games.  Is shark and minnows lessons?  I don't know.  The second week was much better and they have both had a lot of fun.  They have had a blast spending so much time chillin' by the pool with their friends. 
Chase loves jumping off the diving boards.  I am not super confident in his swimming skills so  I still make him wear his life jacket.
Sadi is getting more and more brave, and is now dunking her head and doing somersaults under water.  Nothing like hearing "watch this"  a hundred times. 
Hopefully we can keep it up and not forget everything we learn this summer.

Hiking Fail

This summer started out with high hopes of camping trips, hiking, and spending lots of time outdoors.  Between work schedules and getting ready for college there has been little if any time for any of those things.  A few weeks ago we were coming up on a day that no one had anywhere they had to be (very rare).  We decided a hike was in order.  The morning we were to head out it was looking a bit overcast at our house and I was hesitant about going.  Matt looked up the weather and according to the weatherman it was only to be light rain showers in the evening where we were headed.  The closer we got to our destination (quite a distance away) the more we realized it was not to be....
Matt was hesitant to turn around (didn't want to admit it was a failure).  I was a bit freaked out about going off a cliff..oh and did I mention the downpour?  We headed back down and pulled off the road for lunch in a meadow.
I thought we could salvage the day and walk around a bit, but Matt someone didn't come quite prepared and was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt.  So after lunch we packed up and headed home.  A long drive for a drizzly snack in the mountains.  What makes it worse is we got home and it was blazing hot here....didn't even see a sprinkle.