Friday, June 1, 2012

When life gives you Lemons

Or, when Memorial Day weekend gives you snow...
Start up the fire, and make S'mores!!
Our Memorial Day weekend was well..not what we had planned to do.  We had a camping trip in the works, and a trip to the lake planned, but Mother Nature decided a blizzard would be perfect.  Instead of enjoying the hot weather we had been experiencing we snuggled on the couch, watched movies, and had a quick fire (you can see the snow coming down the mt. in the background).  It only lasted through the weekend and by the time it was back to school on Tuesday we were back to the 90's...pshhh sometimes living in a desert not so hot!

1 comment:

Bogenschutz said...

Who needs camping when you have the smore's right in the back yard. I think I could even convince Luckie to a camping trip like that. Still looks like it was fun. Whoooo, so glad it didn't snow here.