Thursday, June 21, 2012

Calico Ghost Town

On our last day of vacation we decided to break up that long ride home with a stop at Calico Ghost Town to stay overnight.  I remember going there when I was just 4 years old.  My memories are few but clear (or so I thought).  When we arrived mid-day the temperature gauge outside read 106!  After sitting in the car for hours just what you want to do is get out and walk around in that right?  The kids were troopers and humored me in walking down memory lane. 
We tried our hand roping a bull,
Tried on some coffins for size,
(I think Chase was creating a death by hanging here)
We took a train ride around the town,
and explored the underground mines.
Sadi got caught in the town jail, (This is Sadi telling me "Hey ya better let me outta here".  It was funny because she could squeeze right through the bars but insisted someone let her out).
Matt and I tried on the towns "look".  We look pretty good right?
This was the old school house that I remember from when I was little.  I remember the day we were there it was really windy and there was this swing set outside and all the swings were swinging back and forth.  (At 4 I was pretty sure it was ghost children...I think some of my siblings probably helped with this memory).  Alas the swing set has been removed.  Chase didn't believe me it was true but sure enough in all of the souvenir shops all the pictures showed a swing set used to be there.
I think everyone was ready to dive into this little pool of water they used to put out fires.  Chase couldn't stop staring at the cool blue water.  But there was one memory I had that we just had to find.
We walked a long time looking for this old Chinese bath tub.  Everyone in the town I asked about it said they thought it was still there but no one seemed quite sure where. was in China town, duh!  My parents have a photo of me at the same age as Sadi in this same tub.  Thanks family for braving the heat for me to get this photo.  Maybe Sadi will remember this like I did one day.
After being in the sweltering heat all day we went and got our keys to our cabin.  We had a little fun telling the kids that not everyone survives the night in a ghost town.  The little swamp cooler in this tiny cabin could not crank the cool air fast enough and when it looked like the sun would not set for hours we decided to backtrack to Barstow for some dinner at the golden arches for some ice cream and relax in the air conditioning.
Later that night when the sun had set we took a walk up to the town cemetery....that always puts you to sleep right?
The kids got to sleep up in the bunks that night, and when it got late Sadi did not want to turn out the lights.  When we told her it was time to turn out the lights she would yell "No!  I'm not ready to be haunted yet!"
The next morning it was sadly time to go home.  This was definitely a vacation we will all remember. (I hope)

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