Sunday, June 10, 2012

Birthday Bliss and Vacation Reveal

Today was my **th birthday.  I am still super young although some would dispute that when they hear that little number...mostly my kids.  It was a fantastic day.  Matt made me breakfast in bed, and surprised me with a gift certificate to the spa for a day, he even made the appointment for me (very unlike him..he doesn't even make his own appt.'s).  So after breakfast I was off for a pedicure and foot massage...ahhhh.  My feet are all ready for the beach now.
And it just so happens that today was the last day of torturing the vacation countdown.  The kids now know we are going to...
SAN DIEGO!!!  We are so excited!  This whole vacation countdown has been really fun, and all the kids got really into it.  In fact I think Kelsey may have enjoyed it the most.  We only had one day of a small upset.  The day we took down Disneyland there were a few sniffles (Chase).  So, we are headed off to California for a bit over a week, and ready to relax and start this summer off with some serious fun!

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