Friday, June 1, 2012

Finally a Fieldtrip!!

With only 2 weeks left of first grade Chase was ecstatic that he was FINALLY getting to go on a field trip. (Sadi has yet to enter Kindergarten and has been on 2 field trips).  He was a little disappointed when he found out there was to be no bus involved...apparently if it isn't far away the first graders don't consider it a "real" field trip.  But they were all excited when Friday rolled around and we embarked on our walking field trip to the Rolling A park.
This was not what I expected.  We walked about 100 feet behind the school to where the trail head began into the "Rolling A" park.  This had just been recently built a few weeks ago and I had no idea what it was.  We walked for about 20 minutes to our destination seen here in the background (you can see what looks like maybe a small waterfall).  When we got there I thought this would be the part where they would be learning something...nope!  Don't get me wrong I'm all for having fun, but I thought they might take the opportunity to oh I don't know teach something.  They told the kids they were not allowed to get wet and not to go beyond their stick boundaries and have fun!  We were there for almost 4 hours. 
The kids ate lunch and played.  We saw two deer come down to drink from the water, they found a river rat in a tree (ewww), and released their butterflies they hatched in class (or rather brought them to their final resting place, I don't think any of them flew anywhere).  I kept thinking it smelled a bit like the Great Salt Lake there so later I came home and looked up some info about the Rolling A....bad idea.
Turns out our fun field trip was to a sewage treatment facility or a "sludge process plant"....gag!  I actually caught one boy (whose Mom didn't send him with a water bottle) filling his milk carton and drinking throw up.  I will not tell Chase where his field trip really was, and I will try not to be soooo disturbed that this is so close to the school.  Oh yeah, BEST. FIELD TRIP. EVER.

1 comment:

Bogenschutz said...

What an awesome field trip. Wow, and to think they couldn't go swimming there. We always had a great time swimming in the great salt lake.